Installing the project assignment website on a Linux server

Details on deploying the project assignment website on a Linux server are outlined in this document. The document is written for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but should work with minor tweeks also work for any recent Linux distro. The testing for this document was done, using a virtual machine with a clean 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 server install on it.

Copy the projectAssignment_website directory to the system you wish to setup the server on. Then from inside the projectAssignment_website directory, run

$ python

and follow the instructions.

Database initial setup

For using a local mysql database, configure your mysql installation according the settings in i.e.

$ mysqladmin -u root -p${SQL_PASSWORD} create project_assignment_db

Create mysql user according to specifications in and grant them privelliges to the project_assignment_db database. Then sync the database using Django’s

website_ProjectAssignment$ ./ syncdb

Using a self-signed SSL certificate

Run, setup the https site, then edit the apache configuration file. Inside the https configuration file there are instruction on howto setup a self signed cerficate.

Using a verified SSL certificate

Follow the instructions from the authority chosen to provide the SSL certificate. Also refer to the https apache configuration file for the project assignments website, which is generated using the file.